The Wildlife Sanctuary

Canadian Wildlife Federation 2015

Beaver Hills Retreat was certified a “Wildlife Friendly Habitat” through The Canadian Wildlife Federation in 2015 and continues to flourish year after year.

The 40 acre Oasis 30 minutes east of Edmonton, Alberta encompasses a matrix of wetlands, grasslands, evergreen and deciduous forest. It provides important habitat for waterfowl, migratory birds, moose, deer, coyotes and much more!

Expect to see several families of Bohemian Waxwings, Robins, Hummingbirds & House Finches nesting in the hundreds of lush deciduous and evergreen trees. Tree Swallow, Bluebird, Chickadee and House Wren houses frame the refuge while duck houses line the wetlands. Grass meadows of over 9 acres are left untouched for the ground nesters and a 4 acre pond allows for a wide variety of waterfowl.

The Purple Martin Colony

Beaver Hills Retreat Purple Marin
Photo by: Rosanne Tackaberry

Established - 2003

Established in 2003 the Retreats Martin colony is always front and center. Largest of the swallow family, these graceful, beautiful birds will leave you with an impression you will not soon forget. As they fly overhead it will be glaringly obvious that they rule the property. 

Don’t expect to see Magpies, Crows or Hawks during Martin season. They are not “allowed” in the air space. Witness nature in the raw when a Magpie, Crow or Hawk enters the yard. You will be inclined to stop what you are doing just to watch “the show”. The colony houses 250-300 young and 90+ adults annually. During peak season it is not uncommon to observe 300+ Martins flying overhead. Unfortunately Purple Martin season ends way too soon. By August the fledglings and adults start to make the long journey back to South America.